RE: Cambridge Science Festival

After a long while working in journalism, you will have met a lot of well meaning people who seek and are mostly pleased to receive space in your paper. Typically money changes hands when say, a company wants space in a commercial paper. The money could pay for an advertisement and it could pay for PR. It's wise to consider using both of these marketing tools.

But suppose the situation is not a commercial one. Suppose there are two community or charity or government organisations and suppose one wants the media coverage offered by the other. And better still, they have a common goal. What could each party expect to happen?

To take a small but real situation, Cambridge University wants and deserves promotion for the Cambridge Science Festival. They approach local media such as the community radio station. It's from here that we broadcast and podcast the fortnightly Science Show on Cambridge 105.

Last year our coverage of the Cambridge Festival included two shows devoted to it. Over the two week event, the Science Show team also prepared and put out twice-daily bulletins on the Breakfast and Drive Time shows. We broke our backs to help. I twice asked the Cambridge University festival office to give us a mention on their web site. We got doodly-squat.
One year later, the same office's Sophie sent round the call to promote the 2013 event - and indeed we do in good measure. But instead of some understanding of a shared purpose, I have their precious note below. It's a wonderful example of an outfit that's good at doing some things. Except, it seems for helping us in return. So, anyone out there, please help me find some understanding.

Our official media partner is BBC Radio Cambridgeshire so unfortunately we would not be able to offer you any interviews or on-the-day coverage, but we can certainly provide you with some information on our highlights and key events if you wish to talk about this on your show. 


Cambridge Science Festival at runs from 11 to 24 March 2013 around Cambridge University, England. UK. Not to be confused with Cambridge Science Festival at which runs from April 12-21, 2013 around MIT, Harvard University, the City of Cambridge, Massachusets, USA


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sophie Dawson Date: 5 February 2013 10:59
Subject: RE: Cambridge Science Festival

Dear Chris and Roger,

Thank you for such a prompt response.  It would be great if you could promote the Festival on your show, and we are delighted you are interested in featuring something on our events.

Our official media partner is BBC Radio Cambridgeshire so unfortunately we would not be able to offer you any interviews or on-the-day coverage, but we can certainly provide you with some information on our highlights and key events if you wish to talk about this on your show. 

Please do let me know how you would like to progress with this, and if you require any further information do not hesitate to contact me,

Kind regards

Sophie Dawson, Festival and Outreach Assistant Office of External Affairs and Communications
University of Cambridge, The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1RP
T: +44 (0)1223 766766 F: +44 (0)1223 764062 E:

Hello Sophie

I run The Science Show on the Cambridge 105 FM, a community radio programme. We have long been looking forward to being your festival media partner and wonder if you will also help us in return.

Roger F
The Science Show on Cambridge 105

Listen to the free podcasts on iTunes

Access a podcast with notes and links

Re: Cambridge Science Festival promotion

I am writing in the hope of promoting the 2013 Cambridge Science Festival on your website or radio station. The Festival takes place 11 - 24 March 2013, and bookings for events are now open. With over two hundred events for all ages, the Festival aims to give everyone the opportunity to discover, question and take part in scientific activity at the University of Cambridge and partner organisations.  Over the two week period, guests will be able to explore research that is leading the world at events that discuss science and its place in our lives – covering subjects from astronomy to zoology, with hands-on experiments and talks from leading researchers and celebrities. The Festival web address is:

Categories: Archaeology, Biodiversity, Biology, Brain, Chemistry, Computer Science, Construction/ Industry, Earth Science, Electronics, Engineering, Environmental Science, Evolution, Food, General Science, History and Philosophy of Science, Materials Science, Maths, Medicine/ Healthcare, Nature, Physics, Psychology, Space Science, Sport Science, Technology and Topical Science

Thank you for your support,

Kind regards
Sophie Dawson, Festival and Outreach Assistant Office of External Affairs and Communications
University of Cambridge, The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1RP

T: +44 (0)1223 766766 F: +44 (0)1223 764062 E:


Here's another story. This time a media company want to use a professional journalists work, they ask him for permission to do this, and for him to rewrite it, all for free.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should have an on-air festival of friendship and invite a range of people to read the letter aloud to attempt setting a new benchmark for sanctimonious, selfish, two-faced twattery.


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