Be verbose - Important Service Announcement from Vital

The note is not really that important. I can find a minute to deal with it in the next few days. But the minute I did have a minute ago has been taken away reading a very long communication with the same message stated several times over.

The use of login details for some services is not unique to this message however. I don't see the sense of them. I have almost certainly forgotten my login details for almost cetainly everything but a couple of things. Has anyone a tip for handling them?

Vital is transferring to Jisc. Act now to keep your membership active.

Important changes to your Vital registration.

You are receiving this email because you are a registered user of the website

Vital is currently operated by the Open University, however as of 1st April 2013 ownership of the website and subject portals will be transferred to Jisc.

When you registered, we promised not to share your personal data with any other companies. We are therefore unable to transfer your registration details to Jisc without your permission. To retain your account and free access to the subject portals, you need to give us permission to pass your registration details on to Jisc by 20th March at the very latest.

Giving us permission is quick and easy to do, just click here and login, then tick the box on the banner that will appear.

To check your registration details and see whether you have already opted in or out of the transfer, click 'My Account' from any page on the Vital website, then click the 'Edit' tab and navigate to 'Personal Information'.

More information about the handover to Jisc is available from

If you have any questions about the transfer process, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Best Wishes,

Peter Twining, Programme Director

Copyright © 2013 Vital, All rights reserved. 

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