Computers scare us: Are the IT Crowd in your school - Cardiff Council

Just off the phone from a call where a school has asked IT to install a tiny plugin so that they can get along and do some chemistry teaching. It hasn't happened, I'm unable to help and feel frustrated. It's not the first call of the kind nor a first experience: science teachers in the most relaxed of schools cannot get software installed.
It was for this reason that I made my own software easily accesible over the web - trying to rid the need for a plugin is pretty hard (eg try doing without say, Flash) - but clearly we must try harder.

If anyone has asked their IT deparment to install something and it hasn't happened, please spare a thought for what they have to do. This 'bounce' from an email to Cardiff Council shows the IT department have their hands full. I am so glad they are finding things to do:

Sent: 22 March 2006 12:38
Subject: RE: Invoice - Course Description

Cardiff Council - Images policy

Your e-mail bound for:

Subject - Invoice - Course Description


An image attachment was detected (such as .jpg, .bmp or .gif), which may
be part of a Powerpoint (PPT) file or E-mail background.

A copy of your E-mail has been held in accordance with Cardiff Council's
ICT security policy, and Audit will routinely check these images to
assess their appropriateness.

Any technical queries, please contact the ICT Helpdesk on 029 2087 3333.

Any queries regarding this policy, please contact the Authority's Audit
Manager on 029 2087 2275.

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